Part Numbers :
- Adrad TOY9233CM 70 series Man 90-96 ( Radiator)
- Jay Air CN6286 ( AC Condenser )
Chassis needs slight modification to fit this product Refer to your engineer of choice to use this product in your country or state.
$260.00 GST
Our Refab Engineering 75 series Radiator mount kit suits 80 series chassis with the 40 series body fitted.
Full fitting guide on Blog Page
The kit is flat packed and can be cut to size for different engine combos and heights.
This mount uses the 4 factory rubber mounts from the 75 series radiator and mounts independently
To chassis.
It also has AC condenser brackets supplied see part number below.
one side bolts to factory steering box bolts. The other side uses a custom captive nut plate.
Available on back-order